본제품은 대한민국 특산품인 1등급6년근 고려삼과 야생벌꿀로 만든 제품입니다. 엄격한 품질관리와 최상급상품으로 제조하였습니다. 면연력증가, 신체피로회복, 신체건강 유지를 필요로 하시는 분들에게 고급 상품입니다.
고려태극인삼정과600g(캔) (박스입수량:10개)
6 Year Old Korean Taekuk Honeyed Ginseng600g
6年根 高丽太极人蔘正果600g
Thái cực sâm Cao Ly 6 năm tuổi được ngâm mật ong 600g
▶Product classification : Health functional food
▶Net contents : 300g Can (Tinned) ,600g Can (Tinned) ,1200g(Paper Box), 1800g(Paper Box)
▶Content : 6 years old korean Taekuk Ginseng, Honeyed
▶How to intake :No cooking is needed . Simply cut 3-5 slices of Korean Taekuk Honeyed Ginseng for adults and 2-3 slices for children and directly every day.
▶Caution : Keep it in a cool place avoiding moisture and direct sunlight.
Selling Point(We recommend to the following people)
his honeyed ginseng is a health food which can appeal to everyone.
it is korean ginseng in its original state and is one of the special products of korea .
As raw ginseng root which are permeated by pure honey, It is one of best products, and the harmony of the raw ginseng with honey offers a delicate natural taste.
Before eating you may remove the hard top part of the root if you prefer.
when it was hardened put into the hot water or electronic range for moment with the packaged conithin and have it when it was soften.
▶ 商品类别 : 其他形态太极参 ▶ 食品种类: 糖浸
▶ 容量 : 300g 600g, 1200g,1800g 太极参(6年根 100%)
▶ 规格 : 铁盒装/纸盒装
▶ 成分